This book covers the vocabulary needed for the PET Exam and provides students with practice of exam tasks from each paper. It includes common learner error warnings and exam tips to help students improve their exam performance.
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 4 Student s Book with answers Examination Papers from the
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The first in the family of best-selling vocabulary reference and practice books from elementary to advanced level. Vocabulary is clearly presented and contextualized on left-hand pages with practice activities on facing right-hand pages.
The second in the family of best-selling vocabulary reference and practice books from elementary to advanced level. Vocabulary is clearly presented and contextualized on left-hand pages with practice activities on facing right-hand pages.
Cambridge University Press
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The ambition is to equip students with the ability to discuss ideas about democracy as well as empirical research at a fairly advanced level. In practice, this means that the students - aided by the course topics described below - make the leap from arguing from a limited and personal point of view, to constructing more general, systematic and well-founded arguments. More precisely, at the end of the course the students should:
The course is examined by means of course papers, exams, assignments, and active participation in the seminars. Grades are awarded according the scale "failed", "pass" or "pass with distinction". If there are special reasons for doing so, an examiner may make an exception from the method of assessment indicated and allow a student to be assessed by another method. An example of special reasons might be a certificate regarding special pedagogical support from the University's disability coordinator.
This study set out to perform a student-oriented textbookevaluation. The textbook selected for this purpose was entitled "Englishfor the students of medicine (1) by SAMT publication. In doing so, 91 medicalstudents from Qazvin and Sanandaj University along with six ESP instructorsparticipated in the study. They filled out their related questionnaires Theformer group (i.e., students) filled out two questionnaires and oneevaluation questionnaire at two intervals; one at the beginning of the termin which they rated the skills that assumed to be important in their futuretasks and their expectations of the ESP course they were about to begin. Theywere also asked to fill out the same questionnaire at the end of the courseto investigate to what extent the four language skills have been addressed aswell as their initial expectations. During the same session they filled outan evaluation questionnaire. The latter group (i.e. ESP instructors) filled aquestionnaire designed to investigate their opinions regarding the efficiencyof the ESP textbook they had been teaching for years. The results of thestudy revealed that there was not a relationship between students' needsand their ESP textbooks and even though reading and writing were seen asproperly addressed by the ESP textbook, listening and speaking were not seenas appropriately addressed by it.
Adopting a post-use evaluation approach with a focus on how aparticular textbook can meet students' needs, Litz [23] conducted atextbook evaluation. It was a language teaching textbook. Among the positivefeatures of the textbook were the followings: it had a high quality and thepresentation of information appeared to be clear, concise and user-friendly.It contained charts, models and photographs that helped contextualize thepresented information. The textbook was accompanied with teacher'sguide, CD, workbook and website which provided learners with extra relatedexercises. Its emphasis was on meaningful and authentic language and finallyit enjoyed a well-organized structure. Among the shortcomings of the textbookwere as follows: it was relatively found expensive and almost difficult tofind in the market, it employed different eclectic methods taken fromsuggestopedia and silent way which resulted in sort of confusion both on thepart of learners and inexperienced teachers.
The participants of this study were 91 medical students fromQazvin and Sanandaj Medical Universities and ESL instructors of these twouniversities. Their mean age was 22.36 (range: 21-25, SD: 2.4). They wereadmitted in the academic year 2010-2011. Students came from varying L1backgrounds; 17 reported to have Kurdish, 25, Turkish and the remainingstudents (i.e. 42) reported to have Farsi as their native language. Theparticipants were also heterogeneous in terms of their language learningexperience. They had varying amount of language learning experience. Theirlanguage learning experience ranged from one year to eight years languagelearning (SD: 5.3). However, almost all of them reported to have anintermediate--to advanced level of acquaintance with English.
The main data of the study were collected through four types ofquestionnaires. Three of them were filled out by medical students of Qazvinand Sanandaj Universities and one was filled out by ESP instructors of thesetwo universities. The first employed instrument was a two-part expectationquestionnaire which surveyed students' expectations from the ESP coursethey were about to begin (Appendix A). The same questionnaire, with minoralterations, was administered one more time at the end of the course to seeto what extent the textbook had been successful to meet the students'initial expectations (Appendix B). Also an instructor and students'textbook evaluation were also employed (Appendixes C and D, respectively).Another employed instrument in the study was a TOFEL test.
After obtaining the deans allowance for performing the research attheir universities, I attended the first session of ESP course at QazvinUniversity. At the second session of the ESP the students were informed aboutthe purpose of the research. that they were going to be a part of researchprocess. They were informed that the research intended to evaluate their ESPtextbook by means of their instructors' and more importantly their ownviews. They were also informed that participation was totally voluntary.Before distributing the questionnaire I distributed the tailored TOEFL testspapers. The purpose of administering it was to determine the overall languageproficiency of the students. The results of the test showed that almost allof the students had gained more than the mean score. After having answeredthe test, learners were provided with the first questionnaire. Thequestionnaire had been designed to survey their expiations from the ESPcourse they were about to begin. It was designed by the researcher based onthe reviewed literature and related questionnaires designed by other writes.It was a two-section questionnaire; section one was designed specifically toprobe students' opinions regarding the language skills that they foundmost/least important in ESP and expected them to be improved in the ESPcourse. They rated the four language skills of listening, speaking, readingand writing in their questionnaire as "Highly needed", "Verymuch needed" and "Only of limited use".
When they had finished with the questionnaire that was almostidentical with the initial expectation questionnaire, they were given thetextbook evaluation questionnaire. It probed students' opinionsregarding the following seven components: Vocabulary, reading, grammar,language functions, pronunciation practice, physical make-up and practicalconcerns. The same procedures which were followed for collecting data fromQazvin medical students were followed exactly to collect data from SanandajMedical students as well. And finally, ESP instructors of these twouniversities were also asked to fill out a questionnaire whose aim was toprobe ESP instructors' opinions regarding the textbook they had beenteaching for several years.
Writing is another activity which was rated poorly by students.Although apparently students engage in a great deal of writing, they aremostly in the form of short answers to comprehension questions following eachreading. Never does an activity in the textbook ask learners to write alonger discourse, say writing a critique to a reading or writing a personalexperience related to the topic of the passage. Writing a longer discoursecalls for a more complicated and advanced knowledge of language. Studentsneed to attend not only to grammatical forms their language but also to thefeatures that are characteristics of longer discourse for example coherenceand cohesion. Only when do learners engage in writing such longer discourseand receive feedback by their instructors they develop the necessary skillsfor genuine writing. 2ff7e9595c